

Sumner Band Parents Association

Who Is the SBPA?  YOU ARE! 

The Sumner Band Parents Association supports the
Sumner High School Band, its Director, and Students
physically, emotionally, and financially.

The Sumner Band Parents Association is a designated 501(c)3 non-profit organization formed in 1982. It is administered by an annually-elected Executive Board, and general membership meetings are held monthly.

Who are the members? YOU ARE!  

As a part of the Spartan Band Family--the family of a musician, banner carrier, or Color Guard member-- you are automatically part of the SBPA. All we ask of our membership is to become involved in the program, participate in and assist with our fundraising efforts, and donate time to help with our events when you can. Every effort helps and there are many options and levels of commitment. If we have not yet reached out to you, please let us know. 


Sumner Band Parents Association meetings are open to all band parents, students, and people interested in Sumner High’s Band Program  See the Band program from the inside and meet a great group of students (and parents!) We meet monthly, at 7:00 pm in the Band Room. Watch your Band calendar and e-mail for dates.

Our Parent Volunteers Make the Program GO! Without our Band Parents, there is no funding for trips or equipment, nobody to assist in fitting uniforms, towing our Band trailer, or rewarding the kids with snacks and water after a performance - you get the idea! 

There are plenty of opportunities to help out.  Sign up to bring snacks for football halftime.  Be a part of the Pit Crew at field show competitions (getting pit instruments on & off the field quickly).  Chaperone a Band trip (It’s fun! Really!).  Sell Spirit stuff at home football and basketball games. Help with the Sunset Festival of Bands or the Big Band Dinner & Auction.  There are many ways to help, with only a small commitment of your time, and you get to meet a LOT of nice people - of all ages.

2024-25 Sumner Band Parents Association Officers

  • President: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Vice President: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Treasurer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Secretary: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The SBPA Reimbursement Form can be found HERE!

SHS Spartan Band New Parent Survival Guide

(Click on link to view/print)

Fundraising Packet

Here are some forms to help with fundraising for the band and your student. Please contact the SBPA if you have any questions.