
Color Guard

Icing on the cake.


Color Guard adds that extra element of pageantry to the Spartan Marching Band. Led by Advisor Ellen Carl and assisted by Laurie Selle, this group is comprised completely of volunteers. They do not have a class during school but meet on their own time to practice and are part of all Marching Band rehearsals. During Pep Band season Color Guard is active in the stands, cheering on the basketball teams and dancing with the band.

Joe Carl, unlike most Band Directors, places the Color Guard in front of the band for parades.  It's an exciting parade moment when, before you can even hear the band, you can see the flags flying, spinning, and whipping through the air, announcing the arrival of the Spartans from Sumner!

Winter Guard is a great opportunity for potential Color Guard candidates to participate in a camp and perform at a basketball game and all the Santa Parades. Out of these students, new members may be chosen for the following school year.

2024 Winter Guard Schedule

Rehearsals: Nov 13, 15, 18-21, 25, Dec 2-5 - 3:45-5:15PM

Performance Dates:

Holiday Parades - Saturday December 7th (all day)

SHS Basketball Halftime Shows - Dec 6 & 12

Cost: $30 (includes the price of the performance sweatshirt)

2024-25 Color Guard Captains: Lola Churchill & Lauren Nordby

There is a standard uniform for Color Guard and there will be different costumes for field shows that are decided upon each year. The following is information for Color Guard members regarding uniform components that you will need to order or pieces that you provide. (Please also view the "What Else You Need to Know" tab for activity fee information.)


  • black uniform top
  • black uniform pants

Order from Mr. Carl

  • Color Guard shoes (These run approximately $25)
  • Color Guard purple polo (For Pep Band. These run approximately $28. These are the same polos used in Summer Band)
  • Color Guard gloves (These run approximately $12/pr. It's a good idea to order a spare pair.)

You purchase on your own

  • black socks and tights
  • black pants/jeans (For Pep Band. Must be dark, not faded, and in good condition)
  • all white sneakers (For Summer Band. No color decoration, logo, insignia, sole, laces, etc.)
  • white socks (For Summer Band)
  • white shorts/capris (For Summer Band)